For almost a year now I've been single. Pretty happy with being single as I've got more than enough to do what with the kids and making stuff and getting it all up on Etsy and everything else.
But recently my mind has turned to the possibility of meeting someone new, someone who would add a little extra to my life.... However - the big catch is that I don't really go out much (I know, very sad). I get to go out with friends about once a month and other than that I'm at toddler groups, volunteering or at belly dance events and to be fair there are very few single, eligible men at any of those places!
So my option - Internet dating. Gulp. But surely (I told myself) there must be reasonable men who use those sites? Nice men who like myself don't get much opportunity to get out and who aren't complete saddoes, who would like to meet someone, chat a bit, meet up maybe, see what happens? After all, if you meet someone in a bar or at a party you effectively know nothing about them and you have to take a bit of time to see what develops. Surely finding a date via the wonders of the Interwebs is pretty much the same so long as you're careful?
After choosing a picture that wasn't provocative or taken too long ago I took a deep breath and joined a couple of sites. Added some profile information and then away we go.....
Oh yes. Away we go to the land of a million ice-breaker messages where it's obvious that the man sending it hasn't read my profile at all. Away to the land of, "Cor, you look lovely, fancy a flirt?" Er no, say hi first please. "Hi babe, fancy a chat?" Ok, so at least that one said hi first but...... Sigh....already I'm feeling jaded and as though this might be a mistake. But hey, can't fall at the first fence.
Five months down the line and it's all pretty much the same. Until I got a couple of messages from men who had actually read my profile, who lived not too far away but seemed to live far away enough for them to have to put some proper effort into being a stalker. Who actually engaged in a bit of email chit chat and banter before suggesting we meet up.
Tentatively I agreed (well, after all, they looked quite attractive and the picture might not be of them, the profile might be made up nonsense - just because I'm honest doesn't mean they are) and so made arrangements with friends that they would be at the venue (lurking in a corner) should we actually fix a date and a time.
But relax folks, after almost going on a date with a lunatic I managed to rescue myself at the last minute due to both men being unable to restrain themselves any longer and sending me emails detailing the size of their *equipment*. Really chaps, too much information. All possible dates cancelled, dating site profile removed, back to making pretty things for