So, what have I been up to? It's that time of year here in the UK when everything grinds down for Christmas. Now. I will confess that I haven't been sooo busy with making things, but here are a few pics of a headdress I'm making.
Here are some bits and bobs on the floor and you can already see there's an idea at work there...
First of all I used a base I had made a couple of weeks ago and yes, I did forget to take pics of what I did so I'll try and remedy that at some point, I promise. But it's easy, when I show you what I do you'll say, "Yeah? I could have worked that out!"
So, purple velvet base, and the first thing I'm going to do is sew on some chains. I used my trusty wire-cutters to snip through the different lengths of chain I had, and then they were all sewn onto the base, four chains on either side. Symmetry. (I fight very hard against symmetry so I might mention it again).
The, before you know it I've added feathers and a recycled belt buckle, and some flowers and then what's not yet seen are a brooch and some vintage chandelier drops..... If my camera battery will charge up in time then I'l add a pic of those added before I go....
I love making headdresses. I've made headresses for all manner of dancers (and divas) and will continue to do so.
So once the New Year is over with and every settles back into it's normal routine, I shall continue to create pretty things, and hopefully have more time to develop my creativity.
I hope for a happy, harmonious and heavenly year for us all in 2012. xxx